Thursday, May 03, 2007

mystery bag

Every Thursday Makayla has "mystery bag" at school. It's similar to show-and-tell with learning involved. Her classmates bring an item from around their house in a bag and give clues for the class to guess what's in their bag. Today Makayla chose a small Gideon's bible. At first I was hesitant, not knowing how the school will react to this. Later it came to me that if the school can teach our kids about the Theory of Evolution or require that they read Harry Potter books, then my daughter can tell her teacher and class about the book of Jesus. There goes my little evangelist!

1 comment:

Lori said...

Hey - if she picked it then there shouldn't be problem. How on earth can you explain to a kindergardener that the Jesus book wouldn't be good to bring? And, why?
So, go Makayla! "It is small, orange, Grandma has lots of them at her house, you'll find one in every hotel room, it can change your life, introduce you to Jesus Christ who loves you dearly and by reading it you can determine where you will spend all of eternity if you read within the eye of faith, which is given by the guy Jesus who happens to be God. Any guesses?"