Wednesday, May 09, 2007

getting organized

Today I am organizing Makayla and Ruben's room. I still haven't gotten around to picking it up from last weekend's family visit. I find some amazing things in that room that the little ones drag in from the kitchen. I finally found a floor plan that "fits" in the small room and allows some floor space. I want to make it so that I can change Ruben in his bed instead of ours. I'm tired of washing my king size bedding every time Ruben leaks or spits, and now I need to find new storage for my cloth diapers. I believe I'll clean out the toys while Makayla is away at school. In our old house, I had all her toys organized in Rubbermaid containers and stacked on shelves. Oh how I miss that! I can't seem to stay organized here. Hmmm.......


Lori said...

I just bought Rubbermaid containers tonight for the kids' toys. They will fit great on B's handmade shelves in the playroom/sitting room - not the prettiest to look at but functional and child proof. I can't wait for you to get settled so you inspire me to do other things around my house. What YOU need is a basement and a great organizational system for a pantry, seasonal items, and tools. Just think about it...and let me know what you come up with!!! =)

Mon said...

After I got my furniture in place, it was really hard to get motivated on the toys, but I completed it. Their room is now neatly put together and more accessible. Tim says he hopes it doesn't stay that way for long...meaning we will be moving everything out of that room.

Lori said...

I finished the chaotic mess of toys this afternoon. Sometime this weekend I hope to post pictures of the before and after! Until then you will just have to wait - I know you can't handle the suspense...