Tuesday, August 10, 2010

it's still here

Look at that. I still have a blog! How time is slipping away. I did even know I had followers...well probably not anymore since I don't post. We moved this last spring so that has kept me busy for two months or so. I still love to knit and make things every chance I get. I am starting to work on creating my own patterns. I am torn between making things to sell and making things for myself. I have also started doing a little crocheting, but I'm not as interested in crochet as knitting.

Saturday, January 02, 2010

present time

We really enjoyed Christmas this year. It was simple and the kids appreciated what they received. The knitted fingerless gloves were a hit with Makayla.

oh...christmas tree

This is why we did NOT have a Christmas tree in our living room this year. I can remember from the about the ages 7-14 I wanted a cat so bad. Now I definitely don't, but my kids do.

christmas presents

I knitted hats for my nieces and nephews for Christmas this year. I do not have pictures of them wearing their hats, but Ruben was more than happy to model them for me before I wrapped them.

Denham's hat. He likes the Cardinals. I am not skilled enough to knit the logo so he only got the colors.

One of Holli's hats. I made her another hat that has a cut out for her pony tail.

Adam's hat. The colors just seem to fit him. He is in Scouts so he will get a lot of use out of this hat.

Collin's hat. This is one of my favorites and his also - so it seemed when he opened it.

Mason's hat. "Not a toy" is what he said after opening it. So I didn't seem to please everyone.

Isaac's hat. Waves with flaps. How much cooler could you get?

Hat for Princess Sophia. Yes, she really thinks she's a princess.

Jack's hat. I really wanted to make him an ivy golfer's cap, but couldn't find a good pattern for him.

Noah's hat. His mom likes this hat.

Chloe's pants. I made her a hat when she was born so I thought I'd make her a little something different.