Friday, May 18, 2007

natural foods...for me?

I grew up on the shelve peanut butter with sugar and preservatives in it and I like it just fine. I bought a jar of Smucker's peanut butter because of the unspoken pressure of Lori (sister-by-law) and Helen (mother-by-law). Helen had bought Kroger's natural peanut butter before, but if I had to go on that I would have stuck with my old ways. Now that I've eaten 3/4 of the jar I think I can live with it. The crunchy version tastes a lot like peanuts so all I have to do is convince my mind that the sugar is not necessary.
While I was grocery shopping yesterday, I looked up flax seed that's mentioned to make healthier recipes. I couldn't find the wheat germ, but I found wheat gluten which is not suppose to be quite the same. I guess I will check out other stores for wheat germ.
I can't believe I am even looking for these foreign cooking items. I never would have thought I would go this far. Either frugal life secretly changes ones habits or Lori and Elizabeth have some kind of unspoken influence on me. I'm not converted yet, but this could be the beginning.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I thought I already commented on this post!!!

I hated the natural peanut butter even after Elizabeth tried to get me to like the stuff on a road trip across the US with a three month old Isaac that wouldn't poop. After learning about trans fats and the like I made the switch and now Brian and I know why we've disagreed as to where the peanut butter should be stored in our house since the day we were married. I had always put it in the pantry, and he would toss it into the frige. I thought that was crazy until we switched to the natural stuff and finally settled the peanut butter placement problem. He grew up on natural peanut butter and a lot of other all natural foods.
I think we've found a pretty good balance between the two extremes we grew up under. But, if you are searching for more natural recipes, etc. I could have B ask his mom or even Debbie for recommendations. Debbie's baby boy is due any day now...