Friday, April 13, 2007

straining baby food

This afternoon I was preparing peas for my little one for the first time...I figured he was getting sick of green beans. I couldn't seem to get all those little pea skins to chop up. After chopping for about 20 minutes my brother-in-law suggested using a wire strainer. Well, wouldn't you know that's the one thing we don't have in our kitchen. As I scoured the kitchen, a flour sifter caught my eye. It works great! As you turn the wire knob it pushes all the juices through and leaves the left over chunks. Now I don't have to resort to purchasing those over priced baby food jars from the store.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baby Four will be a boob baby until table food. My sister in law never did baby food with her kids so it can be done!