Thursday, April 19, 2007

cloth diapering

I finally finished sewing my first cloth diaper! My sister-in-law, Lori, designed a daiper pattern and taught me how to make cloth diapers that fit like a disposible diaper. I never thought I would resort to this (and I am still leery about it), but it will save us tons of money. It doesn't look the greatest (my sewing), but it works great! One down and "only" 23 to go...


Anonymous said...

You go girl! I myself am going to try and use prefolds. While changing the 2 yr old today I had seconds thoughts (some real nasty poo), but I'm going to make myself.

Mon said...

I like these diapers because I don't have to use pins. I get so stressed out that I will poke Ruben or myself.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth - get CHINESE prefolds. I forgot to mention the asian aspect when I spoke with you earlier this week. I have no idea why they are called "chinese" but hey, they are the best...and cheapest...I mean, the best after my highly superior diaper design of course. =)