Sunday, April 22, 2007

explosion of ideas

After I started reading "The Tightwad Gazette", my mind started to explode with ideas of what I could make at home to save money instead of buying at the store. New ideas pop up in my head all the time. I'll be doing things around the house, and I will spot something and think "Can I make that myself?" Well, I have researched how to make and tested a few items so far and want to share them with you. Along with the recipes, I will break down my cost to make the product so that others can see how it really is cheaper. Calculations will vary according to the area people live in (cost to buy products), but in the long run all recipes should be cheaper to make at home.


Anonymous said...

Again, if I had mentioned making "normal" household items from scratch or even presented the Tightwad Gazette to ya' back before you stayed home you would have thought I was nuts. Welcome to our world, Monica.

Mon said...

I remember when you told me about recycling my baggies by washing them after each use, but that's as far as I got. I never concieved then the things I am doing now.