Tuesday, April 24, 2007

almost no time to lose

My brother is getting married in 2 months. It came to my realization that since the bride-to-be is from the same town I went to high school, I could possibly see others that I have not seen (and been avoiding) for years. Ah, I have to shed these last 10 lbs. to make it back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Ok, I have two months...actually less than 1 month before the shower. I can do this. This morning I made a vow that I will no longer eat any nasty, stale, donuts; honey buns; or other store-bought junk that comes in this house. I have followed Weight Watcher's in the past so I know that changing my eating habits is the most sure way to lose weight the quickest.


Elizabeth said...

Oh man, I hear ya! And my newest baby is much older than your little man! Hey, since your eating healthy I'll jump on the bandwagon! I would LOOOVE to lose 10lbs so that I can really fit into my clothes well and not have a little belly sneaking out of my shirts LOL! I'm going to weigh myself now so that I can get a starting weight!

Mon said...

Sounds great! How about the first one to lose 10 lbs. gets something from the other...to make an incentative. We can update each other here every week on how we are becoming more "losers".

Anonymous said...

Hey - what about me??? I need to GAIN ten pounds over the next two months...all for Baby of course! =) You all just send your donuts and cookies my way - I'll gladly take them off your hands.

Elizabeth said...

Ooohhh... what a great idea. Darn it, and I just ate a couple sweet/salt trail mix bars! Okay, can we start over? hahahaha I'm serious. Sunday morning? I'll take my weight (make sure you weigh yourself at the same time wearing same thing or same nothing hee hee to be accurate)
Give me some incentive ideas cause I'm game!

Mon said...

I will have to think on this. What are your skills?

Mon said...

Well, I tried to cut out the fat this last week, but apparently not enough. I weighed in the same this week.