Sunday, December 09, 2007

1st grade reading list

Makayla and I have completed her 1st semester curriculum. It was great! She is really picking up on her reading. I was reintroduced to the variety of books you can check out from the library from a list that was provided for me from the teacher's manual. In January, we will be moving on to a more advanced curriculum, but while they encourage reading daily they do not provide a list of books to read. The library can be overwhelming if you don't have a plan and know where to begin.

  • Can anyone help me come up with a list of books?

  • Can you think of some favorite books from your childhood?


Lori said...

I love your recent posts! - and all your new links. I need to get my blog up to date again. Sigh. If only "someday" were tomorrow. =)

Elizabeth said...

Well, my favorite little kid book is/was "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"

And, of course, the Laura Ingalls Wilder Little House on the Prarie Series... sooo good! My Gma read them to me when I was young. Also during that time we read Heidi and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.

Are those too advanced yet? I was probably in 3 or 4th grade when my Gma read them to me.