Wednesday, August 15, 2007

traveling food

Ahhh, I stepped on my scale this morning to find that I have gained 5 pounds! Tim and I have been traveling lately trying to find that perfect little town for us to move to. We are ready for our move, but we are waiting for God to open that door. Anyhow, as a result we have been eating a lot of fast food. Somehow, I believe that I can start eat whatever and nothing changes...WRONG. I tend to eat more when I am traveling. I guess I will have to downsize to kids meals and pack healthy snacks like: carrots, cheese sticks and fruit. Not to mention, Holli brought a big container of no bake cookies to my house this week.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

If I were you I would just pack PB&J or make yourself get a big ole tasty salad from McD/s.... they have some good ones to choose from. Get it w/chicken so that you have a protein so that you feel full longer than half an hour.

I am always so surprised to realize how many cals are in fast food meals. You could eat sooooo much more of good tasty food for the same amount of cals.

Traveling always makes me gain a few pounds too. One of my problems is that I love to munch when I'm bored.... and I love eating snack food during car rides! Especially corn nuts... mmmm... oh wait. I digress and I'm sure I need to talk more about celery sticks.