Thursday, August 02, 2007

latest happenings

Makayla's Electric know the thing that sends energy to make your TV work.

Makayla recently discovered that she can pick up her little brother.

My favorite...I'm not sure dad's ready for this.


Elizabeth said...

Tim... LOL... the look on his face.

Speaking of Tim, I have to tell you that when I was a senior in high school I came over to see Lori and Tim was in the living room. He looked at me and told me I looked pregnant (I happened to be wearing a vintage dress I bought at a garage sale or Salvation Army and was a little puffy in the middle). Helen got really upset at him - you know how she gets (funny upset) and Tim was like, "well she does". Needless to say I never wore that dress again! I will never forget that LOL! I mean, I still laugh about it.

Mon said...

What goes around comes around? Your story makes me think of when (before Tim and I were dating) Tim was trying to grow his hair out and I gave him a hard time telling him he needed a hair cut. The next time I saw him his hair was shaved again. It wasn't until after we were married that I learned he cut his hair because of me.

Lori said...

GIZ- was that the pink/lime green dress that was going to be your wedding dress??? You know, that princess looking one???

HA! I still have that picture of you wearing the red dress from that secretary at Brentwood. Too funny!!!

Monica - we all know Timmy is more prissy than he lets on!