Friday, November 16, 2007

natural homemade cleaning products

"The topic for my Women's Meeting at church this month was on educating women that they can save money around the house without spending a lot of extra time doing it. Renee spoke about ways to save money and time on your groceries by making menus, a shopping list, freezing bulk and sale items and using the same meat for several meals such as a roast. She asked me to share ideas on homemade cleaning products, and, of course, I shared my laundry detergent recipe and brought some in to show everyone. It was a big hit! I never thought so many people would take to it."

We can clean our entire house using natural cleaning products that are non-toxic and a lot friendlier to our budget. Several solutions can be premixed within a couple of minutes, and stored safely in our cabinets. The options of products we may choose to use are endless.

Basic Cleaning Products:
Baking Soda: An all-purpose, non-toxic cleaner. Cleans, deodorizes, removes stains and softens fabrics.

Borax: A natural mineral that kills mold and bacteria. An alternative to bleach, it deodorizes, removes stains and boosts the cleaning power of soap.

Cornstarch: Starches clothes, absorbs oil and grease.

Essential or Scented Oils: For disinfecting and fragrance.

Hydrogen Peroxide: Disinfects and bleaches.

Lemon Juice: Cuts through grease and removes perspiration and other stains from clothing. A bleach alternative.

Mild Dish Soap: Removes oil-base stains.

Olive Oil: Picks up dirt and polishes wood.

Rubbing Alcohol: Disinfects.

Salt: An abrasive.

Toothpaste: A mild abrasive.

Vegetable Oil Based Soaps: Cleans everything.

Vinegar: Cuts grease, removes stains and is an excellent water softener.

Washing Soda: Cleans clothes, softens water, cuts grease and disinfects. Increases the cleaning power of soap.

Cleaning Solutions:
"Honestly, I have not yet tried most of these so please leave reviews of how the solutions work for you in my comments for myself and others. I did try the Linoleum/Vinyl Floor Mixture and the Pet Stain/Vomit Remover once when my daughter got sick and was quite happy with both. I also use baking soda to clean all the time, especially for soap scum in the bath tub."

All-Purpose Cleaners/Disinfectants
Borax Mixture:
~ ½ c. borax (*1/8 c.)
~ 1 gal. hot water (*1 qt.)
Mix in pail until borax is completely dissolved. Wipe clean with rag. (*Quantity to prepare for spray bottle use.)

Borax/Lemon Juice Mixture:

~ 2 T. borax
~ ¼ c. lemon juice
~ 2 c. hot water
Mix together in spray bottle; wipe with clean rag.

Vinegar/Borax Mixture:
~ 2 T. vinegar
~ 1 t. borax
~ hot water
~ few drops dish soap
~ few drops scented oil (optional)
In a 16 oz. spray bottle swoosh around vinegar, borax and hot water until borax has dissolved. Add dish soap and fill the rest of the bottle with water. Add scented oil if desired.

Baking Soda Paste:
~ baking soda
~ water
Sprinkle baking soda directly on surface and scrub with wet rag. This works really well on soap scum.

Sink/Tub Mixture:
~ ½ lemon
~ borax
Dip the face of the lemon half in borax to create a hand-held scrubber. Rinse and dry the surface afterwards.

Toilet Bowl:
~ baking soda
~ white vinegar
Sprinkle toilet bowl with baking soda. Add white vinegar and scrub with a toilet brush.

Deodorizer/ Freshener:
Sprinkle baking soda over carpet or furniture and let set for 5 minutes. Vacuum.

General Stain Remover:
Soak spot with club soda immediately, then blot until stain is gone.

Grease Spot Remover:
Absorb spot with towel. Sprinkle corn starch over spot and leave overnight. Vacuum.

Pet Stain/Vomit Remover:
~ liquid dish soap
~ ½ c. vinegar
~ 1 qt. warm water
Soak up spot with towels. Spot with dish soap. Rinse spot with vinegar diluted in warm water. Absorb access moisture with towel. Leave towel over spot for 4-6 hours. Vacuum.

Vinyl Cleaner:
~ ½ t. – ¼ c. washing soda
~ 1 c. boiling water
Dissolve washing soda in boiling water. Apply with rag and wipe off with damp cloth.

Clog-free Method:

~ 1 c. baking soda
~ 1 c. vinegar
~ boiling water
Pour down drain in order: baking soda, vinegar, hot water.

Linoleum/Vinyl Floor Mixture:
~ 1 c. white vinegar
~ 1 gal. water
Mix in bucket and scrub floor.

Wood Floor Mixture:
~ ¼ - ½ c. white vinegar
~ 1 gal. water
Mix in bucket and scrub floor.

Furniture Polish
Vinegar/Olive Oil Mixture:
~ ½ c. white vinegar
~ 1 t. olive oil
Mix and apply with a clean rag. Reduce amount of olive oil if wood looks too oily.

~ 2 T. Baking soda
~ 1 qt. warm water
Dissolve baking soda in water and wipe down fridge.

Stove top/Oven Degreaser:
~ ½ t. washing soda
~ ¼ t. liquid soap
~ 2 c. hot water
Mix washing soda, soap and hot water in spray bottle.

Oven Cleaner:
~ baking soda
~ water
Sprinkle baking soda on surface, spray with water and soap several hours or overnight. Rinse with water.

Vinegar/Dish Soap Mixture:
~ 3 T. vinegar
~ ½ t. mild dish soap
~ 2 c. water
Put ingredients in a spray bottle, shake and use.


Lori said...

Whoa, lady! I didn't realize you had so many of these homemade recipes!!! Very cool.

Anonymous said...

Just bein' the older naggin' sister-in-law... :), these are really great ideas and much healthier environmentally than many of the products on the market and that is really neat, but don't forget that many of these items are still VERY poisonous if swallowed even though many are natural. Borax and rubbing alcohol and several others listed are very toxic, so make sure to keep these up high out of little hands' reach. Also, during cold and flu season you may need to use something stronger every now and then to knock out bacteria and viruses like staph, strep, etc... on surfaces like door knobs, etc... These are all really great options though. You should make your own newsletter for "greener" cleaning. :)

The Stainologist said...
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Elizabeth said...

Your comment about having to use the pet stain/vomit remover brought back some endearing family memories last cold/flu season. As much as I want to deny another bout could strike this year maybe I should have some ready to go.