Monday, June 25, 2007

actions speak louder than words

As I was getting ready for church yesterday, I was watching Dr. Kennedy on TV talking about preparing our children before sending them out into the secular world. It is our job to teach our children Godly values all through the years before they leave our home. What stood out to me the most is "patterns". Our children take on our patterns. Our children see and hear what we do, a lot of times unknowingly taking those actions on themselves. He used many parent and child examples in the bible...Eve and Cain, Rebekah and Jacob, and Moses and his mother. I can see how this is so true, but I love to see examples pulled from the bible. Also, a parent telling their child to do one thing, but is doing the opposite themselves doesn't work. The child will eventually notice that the parent(s) does not practice what they preach. Actions speak louder than words.
I would like to think that I am not too much like my family sometimes, but surely I have taken on a few traits. Tim said that he noticed a pattern that happens - that either a child is very much like their parent(s) or different because they consciously made a decision not to take on their ways which were not good in their eyes.

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