Thursday, June 07, 2007

kindergarten graduate

Yesterday was Makayla's last day of Kindergarten. Who would of thought this would make me sad. Not because she's getting older, but because she made some really good friends that she may never see again. We will most likely move to a smaller community this summer. Even if we stayed she would not have her friends in the same class. It's kind of ironic because I cried her first day of Kindergarten because I didn't want her to go to school and deal with all the emotional issues and not fitting in like I had. But of course, she enjoyed it a whole lot more than I did.
Lately homeschooling Makayla has been on my heart. The more I learn about it the more excited I get. I plan to try it out this summer to see how well Makayla and I work together. She loves arts and crafts so I figure the more I incorporate that into our lessons, the better Makayla will learn.


Lori said...

How do you think adjusting to having your little graduate in house will go? Things will be a lot different once you all make the big move, but it still must be a big change from mom of one during the day to mom of two - two with a significant age difference! I mean, one plays with Littlest Pet Shop toys and the other tries to eat them!

Anonymous said...

Hey - what gives?!?!?! Where did it go???

Mon said...

Where did what go?

Lori said...

Obedience!!! The post.

Mon said...

It didn't flow well.