Sunday, February 03, 2008

knitted diaper soaker

I completed my first diaper soaker! I used a pattern from I followed the pattern for the "cover knitted flat" version (toddler size). I have to fold down the waist because it's too high. The pattern called for 3" ribbing, but I will stitch a 1 1/2" ribbing on my next soaker.

Wool yarn repells water so the wetness stays on the inside of the soaker. Before the soaker can be worn and during each wash, it needs to be *lanolized (water proofed). Wash your soaker when soiled or still smells bad when dry.

(*I used the tube of Lanolin that I got from the hospital to use for soreness when nursing.)

Next I am going to purchase some new prefold diapers and Snappi Fastners. Bye, bye old falling part altered diapers and vinyal covers!

Thanks to Elizabeth for giving me this idea from a post on her blog last spring.


Lori said...

Woman, you are amazing!

Elizabeth said...

Dang girl, I "leave" for a couple months and come back and your like a professional knitter.

I think the Mann/Biggers family should seriously consider moving to PA just to be close to me. hahahahaha

The only thing I've managed to do lately is clean, do laundry, and cook. I'm trying to imagine doing all of this w/one more kid and I don't know where I would squeeze in newborn care in my daily routine!

Mon said...

I can't stop knitting. I have this problem with over doing things. Once I learn something new that I enjoy, I can't put it down. The awesome thing a about knitting is you can take it with you everywhere you the car, to visit family, places you are waiting for something, sitting around the house. AND the possibilities of practical things you can make are endless.